
These pages describe how to install PROJ on your computer without compiling it yourself. Below are guides for installing on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. This is a good place to get started if this is your first time using PROJ. More advanced users may want to compile the software themselves.

Installation from package management systems

Cross platform

PROJ is also available via cross platform package managers.


The conda package manager includes several PROJ packages. We recommend installing from the conda-forge channel:

conda install -c conda-forge proj

Using conda you can also install the PROJ data package. Here’s how to install the proj-data package:

conda install -c conda-forge proj-data

Available is also the legacy packages proj-datumgrid-europe, proj-datumgrid-north-america, proj-datumgrid-oceania and proj-datumgrid-world.


Read more about the various datumgrid packages available here.


A Docker image with just PROJ binaries and a full compliment of grid shift files is available on DockerHub. Get the package with:

docker pull osgeo/proj


The simplest way to install PROJ on Windows is to use the OSGeo4W software distribution. OSGeo4W provides easy access to many popular open source geospatial software packages. After installation you can use PROJ from the OSGeo4W shell. To install PROJ do the following:


If you have already installed software via OSGeo4W on your computer, or if you have already installed QGIS on your computer, it is likely that PROJ is already installed. Type “OSGeo4W Shell” in your start menu and check whether that gives a match.

  1. Download either the 32 bit or 64 bit installer.

  2. Run the OSGeo4W setup program.

  3. Select “Advanced Install” and press Next.

  4. Select “Install from Internet” and press Next.

  5. Select a installation directory. The default suggestion is fine in most cases. Press Next.

  6. Select “Local package directory”. The default suggestion is fine in most cases. Press Next.

  7. Select “Direct connection” and press Next.

  8. Choose the server and press Next.

  9. Find “proj” under “Commandline_Utilities” and click the package in the “New” column until the version you want to install appears.

  10. Press next to install PROJ.

You should now have a “OSGeo” menu in your start menu. Within that menu you can find the “OSGeo4W Shell” where you have access to all the OSGeo4W applications, including proj.

For those who are more inclined to the command line, steps 2–10 above can be accomplished by executing the following command:

C:\temp\osgeo4w-setup-x86-64.exe -q -k -r -A -s -a x86_64 -P proj


How to install PROJ on Linux depends on which distribution you are using. Below is a few examples for some of the more common Linux distributions:


On Debian and similar systems (e.g. Ubuntu) the APT package manager is used:

sudo apt-get install proj-bin


On Fedora the dnf package manager is used:

sudo dnf install proj

Red Hat

On Red Hat based system packages are installed with yum:

sudo yum install proj

Mac OS X

On OS X PROJ can be installed via the Homebrew package manager:

brew install proj

PROJ is also available from the MacPorts system:

sudo ports install proj

Compilation and installation from source code

The classic way of installing PROJ is via the source code distribution. The most recent version is available from the download page.

The following guides show how to compile and install the software using the Autotools and CMake build systems.

Build requirements

  • C99 compiler

  • C++11 compiler

  • SQLite3 >= 3.11 (headers, library and executable)

  • libtiff >= 4.0 (headers and library)

  • optional (but recommended): curl >= 7.29.0

  • GNU make for autotools build or CMake >= 3.9


FSF’s configuration procedure is used to ease installation of the PROJ system.


The Autotools build system is only available on UNIX-like systems. Follow the CMake installation guide if you are not using a UNIX-like operating system.

If you are building from the git repository you have to first run:


which will generate a configure script that can be used in the next step.

The default destination path prefix for installed files is /usr/local. Results from the installation script will be placed into subdirectories bin, include, lib, and man/man1. If this default path prefix is proper, then execute:


If another path prefix is required, then execute:

./configure --prefix=/my/path

In either case, the directory of the prefix path must exist and be writable by the installer.

With the data files in place we can now build and install PROJ:

make install

The install target will create, if necessary, all required sub-directories.

Tests are run with:

make check

With a successful install of PROJ we can now install data files using the projsync utility:

projsync --system-directory --all

which will download all resource files currently available for PROJ. If less than the entire collection of resource files is needed the call to projsync can be modified to suit the users needs. See projsync for more options.


The use of projsync requires that network support is enabled (the default option). If the resource files are not installed using projsync PROJ will attempt to fetch them automatically when a transformation needs a specific data file. This requires that PROJ_NETWORK is set to ON.

As an alternative on systems where network access is disabled, the proj-data package can be downloaded and added to the PROJ_LIB directory.

Autotools configure options

Most POSIX systems may not require any options to ./configure if all PROJ requirements are met, installed into common directories, and a “default” behavior is desired.

Some influential environment variables are used by ./configure, with no expected defaults:


C compiler command.


C compiler flags.


C++ compiler command.


C++ compiler flags

See ./configure --help for all options, here are a few key options:


Enable compiler’s Link Time Optimization, default disabled.


TIFF support is enabled by default to use PROJ-data resource files, but this can be disabled, if required.


Enable CURL support (ARG=path to curl-config).


Disable real mutex locks (lacking pthreads).


With the CMake build system you can compile and install PROJ on more or less any platform. After unpacking the source distribution archive step into the source- tree:

cd proj-8.1

Create a build directory and step into it:

mkdir build
cd build

From the build directory you can now configure CMake, build and install the binaries:

cmake ..
cmake --build .
cmake --build . --target install

On Windows, one may need to specify generator:

cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" ..

If the SQLite3 dependency is installed in a custom location, specify the paths to the include directory and the library:

cmake -DSQLITE3_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/SQLite/include -DSQLITE3_LIBRARY=/opt/SQLite/lib/ ..

Alternatively, the custom prefix for SQLite3 can be specified:

cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/SQLite ..

Tests are run with:


With a successful install of PROJ we can now install data files using the projsync utility:

projsync --system-directory

which will download all resource files currently available for PROJ. If less than the entire collection of resource files is needed the call to projsync can be modified to suit the users needs. See projsync for more options.


The use of projsync requires that network support is enabled (the default option). If the resource files are not installed using projsync PROJ will attempt to fetch them automatically when a transformation needs a specific data file. This requires that PROJ_NETWORK is set to ON.

As an alternative on systems where network access is disabled, the proj-data package can be downloaded and added to the PROJ_LIB directory.

CMake configure options

Options to configure a CMake are provided using -D<var>=<value>. All cached entries can be viewed using cmake -LAH from a build directory.


Build cct, default ON.


Build cs2cs, default ON.


Build geod, default ON.


Build gie, default ON.


Build proj, default ON.


Build projinfo, default ON.


Build projsync, default ON.


Build PROJ library shared. Default for Windows is OFF, building only a static library. Default for all others is ON. See also the CMake documentation for BUILD_SHARED_LIBS.

Changed in version 7.0: Renamed from BUILD_LIBPROJ_SHARED


CTest option to build the testing tree, which also downloads and installs Googletest. Default is ON, but can be turned OFF if tests are not required.

Changed in version 7.0: Renamed from PROJ_TESTS


Choose the type of build, options are: None (default), Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo, or MinSizeRel. See also the CMake documentation for CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE.


A default build is not optimized without specifying -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release (or similar) during configuration, or by specifying --config Release with CMake multi-configuration build tools (see example below).


C compiler. Ignored for some generators, such as Visual Studio.


Flags used by the C compiler during all build types. This is initialized by the CFLAGS environment variable.


C++ compiler. Ignored for some generators, such as Visual Studio.


Flags used by the C++ compiler during all build types. This is initialized by the CXXFLAGS environment variable.


Default for Windows is based on the environment variable OSGEO4W_ROOT (if set), otherwise is c:/OSGeo4W. Default for Unix-like is /usr/local/.


Build library using the compiler’s interprocedural optimization (IPO), if available, default OFF.

Changed in version 7.0: Renamed from ENABLE_LTO.


Path to an sqlite3 or sqlite3.exe executable.


Path to an include directory with the sqlite3.h header file.


Path to a shared or static library file, such as sqlite3.dll,, sqlite3.lib or other name.


Enable CURL support, default ON.


Path to an include directory with the curl directory.


Path to a shared or static library file, such as libcurl.dll,, libcurl.lib, or other name.


Enable TIFF support to use PROJ-data resource files, default ON.


Path to an include directory with the tiff.h header file.


Path to a shared or static library file, such as tiff.dll,, tiff.lib, or other name. A similar variable TIFF_LIBRARY_DEBUG can also be specified to a similar library for building Debug releases.

Building on Windows with vcpkg and Visual Studio 2017 or 2019

This method is the preferred one to generate Debug and Release builds.

Install git

Install git

Install Vcpkg

Assuming there is a c:\dev directory

cd c:\dev
git clone

cd vcpkg

Install PROJ dependencies

vcpkg.exe install sqlite3[core,tool]:x86-windows tiff:x86-windows curl:x86-windows
vcpkg.exe install sqlite3[core,tool]:x64-windows tiff:x64-windows curl:x64-windows


The tiff and curl dependencies are only needed since PROJ 7.0

Checkout PROJ sources

cd c:\dev
git clone

Build PROJ

cd c:\dev\PROJ
mkdir build_vs2019
cd build_vs2019
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:\dev\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Debug -j 8

Run PROJ tests

cd c:\dev\PROJ\build_vs2019
ctest -V --build-config Debug

Building on Windows with Conda dependencies and Visual Studio 2017 or 2019

Variant of the above method but using Conda for SQLite3, TIFF and CURL dependencies. It is less appropriate for Debug builds of PROJ than the method based on vcpkg.

Install git

Install git

Install miniconda

Install miniconda

Install PROJ dependencies

Start a Conda enabled console and assuming there is a c:\dev directory

cd c:\dev
conda create --name proj
conda activate proj
conda install sqlite libtiff curl cmake


The libtiff and curl dependencies are only needed since PROJ 7.0

Checkout PROJ sources

cd c:\dev
git clone

Build PROJ

From a Conda enabled console

conda activate proj
cd c:\dev\PROJ
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"
cmake --build _build.vs2019 --config Release -j 8

Run PROJ tests

cd c:\dev\PROJ
cd _build.vs2019
ctest -V --build-config Release